Data privacy policy of EVROKOMPAS LTD
  1. General information
From May 25, 2018, a new regulation for the protection of personal data (GDPR) adopted by the European Union is in force. The regulation aims to ensure the protection of the personal data of physical person in all EU member states and to unify the regulations for their processing and protection.
In its capacity as a personal data administrator, EVROKOMPAS LTD meets all the requirements of the new regulation by collecting and processing personal data of physical person to the extent necessary for the provision of products and services, and stores them responsibly and legally.
  1. Information about us
  • BULSTAT:121373224
  • Management address: 26 Krakra Street, 1504 Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Address for correspondence: .135A Vito Positano Street, 1000 Sofia
  • E- mail :
  • Phone: +359878797799.
  • License for performing tour operator and travel agency activities: No. 2896/16.06.2011
  • Personal Data Controller Certificate: No204554/12.03.2016
  1. What is the Privacy Policy for personal data of EVROKOMPAS LTD?
The personal data privacy policy aims to provide you with comprehensive information in a clear and accessible language about what actions are taken with the personal data you provide to EVROKOMPAS LTD, including:
  • What personal data do we collect about you?
  • What is the purpose of their gathering?
  • For how long do we keep the personal data provided?
  • Who do we share your personal data with?
  • How do we notify you of a change to our Privacy Policy?
  • What types of cookies do we use and for what purpose?
  • What are your rights regarding the personal data provided?
  • What is the scope of our Privacy Policy?
With this Data Privacy Policy, EVROKOMPAS LTD declares that it applies all technical and organizational measures to protect the personal data of physical persons, which are prescribed by laws or other normative acts at the national and European level.
  1. What is personal data?
Personal data is any information or data that can directly or indirectly identify an individual. An example of indirect identification is your mobile phone number. An example of direct identification is a unique identifier such as social security number, first name and last name, customer code, etc.
  1. What personal data does EVROKOMPAS LTD collect for you?
  • Name, surname and last name
  • Phone number
  • Email
  • City and address
  • Identification number
  • Identity card number or other identity document
  • Date of issue of an identity card or other identity document
  • Bank account data /if it is necessary for EVROKOMPAS LTD to refund the user an amount already paid/
  • Gender /when this is required by the providers of the relevant tourist service – for example an airline/
  • Data on the health status of travelers with specific needs
  • Data of the minor person/people given by a parent/guardian in connection with the performance of products and services provided by EVROKOMPAS LTD.
  • Data when filling in various forms placed on our web page EVROKOMPAS LTD, such as account registration, feedback forms and comments
  • Data provided to other Tour Operators and Travel Agents who offer services and products of EVROKOMPAS LTD
  • Technical data that is automatically sent to us when you use the web page: - IP address, web browser, operating system, information about the device from which you visit the web page, etc.
  • Cookies to identify your browser or device
  1. On what basis does EVROKOMPAS LTD collect, process and store your personal data?
EVROKOMPAS LTD collects and processes your personal data directly or through intermediaries /other tour operators and/or travel agents/ who offer services and products of EVROKOMPAS LTD and more specifically on the basis of the following:
  • Obtained objective, clear, free, voluntary and unequivocal consent from you as a customer. Consent to the collection, processing and storage of your personal data is granted by visiting our office on site, by visiting the office of an agency or another tour operator, our partner, or by registering on our website. The consent you have provided can always be withdrawn by visiting one of our offices or by sending an email to:;
  • Fulfilling the obligations of EVROKOMPAS LTD under the contract with you;
  • Compliance with the legal obligations on the part of EVROKOMPAS LTD before the national tax, regulatory and other authorities that apply to EVROKOMPAS LTD;
  • For the purposes of the legitimate interest of EVROKOMPAS LTD, namely: under certain conditions and only if necessary, EVROKOMPAS LTD will provide personal data to: the reservation system, through which a specific reservation will be requested and executed; of a hotel; to an air and/or other carrier and to other providers of tourist services (if such are engaged for the purposes of the specific trip), to a tour operator or to a travel agent (if such is a partner of EVROKOMPAS LTD in the implementation of a specifically selected tourist program ), to insurance companies, to a visa center, as well as possibly to investigative and other authorities, on the basis of the legal provisions in Bulgaria, which oblige EVROKOMPAS LTD to disclose information about a specific user and accompanying minors/persons.
  1. What are the purposes of collecting, processing and storing your personal data?
EVROKOMPAS LTD collects, processes and stores your personal data in order to fulfill its obligations to you, as well as to help fulfill your rights, including, but not limited to:
  • creating a user profile and ensuring full functionality of the website when providing products and services;
  • individualization of a party to a contract;
  • accounting purposes;
  • statistical purposes;
  • protection of information security;
  • ensuring the performance of the contract for the provision of a relevant product or service;
  • sending information messages about new products or services when registering to receive an electronic newsletter;
  • providing access to our web page by showing you content that is relevant, personalized and limited by criteria you set;
  • For answers to your inquiries, opinions and recommendations;
In addition to the above, EVROKOMPAS LTD has a legal interest in collecting your personal data, because without such it cannot provide you with a product or service in which you are interested.
  1. How does EVROKOMPAS LTD collect and process your personal data?
In order to provide you with products or services, EVROKOMPAS LTD collects the personal data provided by you in the following ways:
  • by filling in a registration form on the website of EVROKOMPAS LTD at the following addresses: ;
  • by filling in forms, contracts and declarations provided to you by employees or representatives of EVROKOMPAS LTD The forms are provided and completed in a free form provided to you on paper or electronic media. Contracts and declarations are provided by employees or representatives of EVROKOMPAS LTD in blanket form;
  • by visiting the web page/s for using the system for online reservations under programs of EVROKOMPAS LTD
  • when updating data at your request and filling out an update form on paper or electronic media;
  • by processing information about your visits to the website of EVROKOMPAS LTD –;
  • by processing information about IP addresses, cookies , operating system, browser type , etc.
  • EVROKOMPAS LTD collects your personal data through the following means: email; telephone; on site in an office of EVROKOMPAS LTD, in the office of another tour operator - our partner or in the office of a travel agency - our partner; a specialized platform for data storage and exchange.
When processing your personal data, EVROKOMPAS LTD observes the following principles laid down in Article 5 of REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL, dated April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons in connection with the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and on the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), namely:
  • legality, good faith and transparency;
  • limitation to the purposes of processing;
  • relevance to the purposes of the processing and minimization of the data collected;
  • accuracy and timeliness of data;
  • limitation of storage in order to achieve the objectives;
  • integrity and confidentiality of processing and ensuring an appropriate level of personal data security.
  1. EVROKOMPAS LTD does not collect or process personal data that:
  • reveal ethnic origin;
  • reveal race;
  • reveal political, religious or philosophical beliefs or membership in various organizations;
  • disclose genetic and biometric data;
  • reveal data about sex life or sexual orientation.
EVROKOMPAS LTD collects the personal data of the persons to whom it relates, including the data of the minor/underage person/persons they accompany. EVROKOMPAS LTD does not perform automated decision-making for personal data.
  1. How long does EVROKOMPAS LTD store your personal data?
Depending on the basis on which we collect, store and process your personal data, the storage period is different, EVROKOMPAS LTD:
  • stores your personal data relating to your profile on the website for a period not longer than the existence of your profile on the website. After the expiration of this period, we will make every effort to delete and destroy all of your data without undue delay.
  • stores your personal data according to Art. 82. (10) of the Tourism Act and until the contractual basis ceases, if we process your personal data in fulfillment of contractual obligations to you.
  • stores your personal data according to Art. 42. (1) of the Accounting Act and until the contractual basis ceases, if we process your personal data in connection with issuing accounting documents for payments made on the basis of contractual relations between us.
  • After the expiration of the terms entered in the normative acts and in the relevant laws in the Republic of Bulgaria, and in the event that there is no legal basis for continuing the storage of your personal data, your information is destroyed.
  • notifies you in the event that the data storage period needs to be extended in order to fulfill the contract, the legitimate interests of EVROKOMPAS LTD or otherwise.
  • stores your personal data, which it is obliged to keep under the applicable legislation for the relevant period.
  1. To whom may we pass on your personal data?
EVROKOMPAS LTD undertakes NOT to provide your personal data to third parties without your express consent, except when this is necessary for the fulfillment of contractual obligations towards you.
For the performance of contractual and/or pre-contractual relations with you, it is possible for EVROKOMPAS LTD to transfer part or all of your personal data to the following people:
  • Companies providing courier services;
  • The company that provides hosting services related to the web page;
  • Public institutions, including those performing supervisory functions;
  • Banks and financial institutions in the country and abroad when carrying out monetary transactions;
  • Insurance and reinsurance companies;
  • Visa centers;
  • Lawyers, auditors, notaries, courts, prosecutor's office, police;
  • Counterparties of EVROKOMPAS LTD for the fulfillment of their obligations, such as airlines, tour operators, hoteliers, marketing and all partners-suppliers of EVROKOMPAS LTD, which are directly and immediately bound to the fulfillment of the assumed contractual relations.
Each transmission is carried out in strict compliance with the confidentiality and security of your personal data.
  1. Are there other cases in which we may pass on your personal data?
Your personal data is also provided to third parties in the following cases:
  • At the request of the natural person who provided the data, subject to the protection of personal data;
  • At the request of competent authorities, according to the current legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria and the European Union.
In all the above cases, the persons to whom we provide your personal data have declared that they provide an adequate level of personal data protection, including the foreign companies positioned within the EU and EEA. With regard to companies positioned outside the EU and EEA, for each specific case the respective company ensures that it provides an adequate level of personal data protection, complying with the requirements of European legislation.
  1. User profiling - use of cookies
The website of EVROKOMPAS LTD – uses cookies.
"Cookies" are small text files that are saved on your computer when you visit the website of EVROKOMPAS LTD at the following addresses:  In the event that you access this web page at another time, your browser sends back the contents of the "cookies" to the respective provider and thus enables the re-identification of the terminal device. Reading cookies allows us to design our website optimally for you and makes it easier for you to use it.
Cookie Policy
The website of EVROKOMPAS LTD uses "cookies", which are important for its correct operation. By visiting our site, you accept the use of "cookies".
Types of "cookies" used by the EVROKOMPAS LTD website:
Required cookies
These "cookies" are necessary for the correct operation of the website. Without these cookies, some services and/or functionalities will not be available.
Analytical cookies
These cookies are needed to collect information about how visitors use our website. All information collected by these cookies does not contain personal data. It is used to improve the website.
Functional cookies
These cookies are needed to track the choices the user makes on the website. In this way, you are provided with more accurate, relevant and personalized website content.
"Cookies" for accurate display of content
These cookies contain information about how you use the website and may be triggered by our advertising partners. They do not store personal information.
The cookie settings you accept from the website of EVROKOMPAS LTD at the following addresses: you can do in the web browser you use. Restricting certain types of "cookies" may lead to incorrect or incomplete operation of the site, as well as to the impossibility of using its full functionalities.
  1. What rights do you have regarding the collection, processing and storage of your personal data?
In compliance with Bulgarian and European legislation, including Regulation 2016/679 of the EU (GDPR) on the protection of personal data, you can exercise the following rights:
  • The right to access the personal data that EVROKOMPAS LTD processes for you and to receive a copy of them;
  • The right to ask EVROKOMPAS LTD for a correction, in case you find inaccuracies or the need to update your personal data, by sending an email to:;
  • The right to request the blocking of your personal data or restriction of the processing of personal data in the cases defined by law and Regulation;
  • The right to request erasure, i.e. deletion of your personal data by EVROKOMPAS LTD, in case there are conditions for this;
  • The right to object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes by using the "unsubscribe" link we have included in any email sent to you containing promotional information about our products and services;
  • The right to object to the provision of your personal data to third parties by sending an email to:;
  • The right, whenever you wish, to withdraw your consent to your personal data being processed for the purposes for which you have consented by sending an email to;
  • The right to request the portability of your personal data in a structured, machine- readable format that is commonly used;
  • The right to file a complaint or request for the protection of your rights before the Commission for the Protection of Personal Data, if the prerequisites for this are met.
You can exercise all rights at any time regarding the processing of your personal data.
  1. What does each of the rights listed mean?
Right of access to your personal data
This right gives you the opportunity to obtain information about the data that identifies the administrator and his representative, the purposes of the processing of the personal data, the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the data may be disclosed, data on the mandatory or voluntary nature of the provision of the data and the consequences of refusal to provide them, as well as information on the right of access and the right to correct the collected data.
The data are not provided when the natural person to whom they refer already has them or there is an explicit prohibition to provide them by law.
Right to deletion, access, correction, blocking
The right at any time to ask the administrator to delete, correct or block personal data, the processing of which does not meet the requirements of the GDPR, as well as the right to ask the administrator to notify the third parties to whom the personal data were provided of any deletion , correction or blocking that has been carried out, except in cases where this is impossible or involves excessive efforts.
Right to object
Right to object to the administrator against the processing of the personal data of the natural person if there is a legal basis for this, as well as against the processing and provision of your personal data to third parties for the purposes of direct marketing. You have the right to be notified before your personal data is provided for the first time to third parties or used on their behalf for direct marketing purposes, and you have the right to object to such provision or use.
Right of portability
When the processing of personal data takes place in an automatic way, you have the right to receive the personal data concerning you that you have provided to the administrator in a structured, widely used, machine-readable and interoperable format and to transmit them to another administrator.
This right should apply where the data subject has provided the personal data on the basis of his own consent or the processing is necessary due to a contractual obligation. The right should not apply where the processing is based on a legal basis other than consent or contract. Due to its very nature, this right should not be exercised in relation to controllers processing data in the performance of their public duties. Therefore, this right should not apply when the processing of personal data is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject, or to perform a task in the public interest, or in the exercise of an official authority granted to the controller. The data subject's right to transmit or receive personal data relating to him does not create an obligation for controllers to adopt or maintain technically compatible processing systems. Where more than one data subject is affected in a particular package of personal data, the right to receive the personal data should not affect the rights and freedoms of other data subjects in accordance with this Regulation.
Right to make a complaint or request to the Commission for the Protection of Personal Data
In the event of a violation of your rights, you have the right to refer the Commission for the protection of personal data within one year of becoming aware of the violation, but no later than five years after its commission. In case of violation of your rights, you have the right to appeal actions and acts of the administrator in court or before the Supreme Administrative Court. The court cannot be referred to if there is a pending proceeding before the Commission for the same violation or a decision of the CPLD regarding the same violation has been appealed and no court decision has entered into force.
What is the scope of the Personal Data Privacy Policy of EVROKOMPAS LTD?
The personal data privacy policy covers all products and services offered by EVROKOMPAS LTD Products and services with separate privacy statements that do not include this Privacy Policy are excluded from this policy.
The Privacy Policy does not cover products and services offered by other companies or individuals, including products, services or websites that may be shown to you in search results, websites that may include products and services of EVROKOMPAS LTD, or other websites to which there are links to products and services of EVROKOMPAS LTD The policy does not cover the information practices of other companies and organizations that advertise the products and services of EVROKOMPAS LTD and that may use cookies, pixel tags and other technologies to display and offer relevant advertisements.
  1. Changes to the Personal Data Privacy Policy of EVROKOMPAS LTD
For all changes in this Data Privacy Policy, we declare that we will notify you by sending a letter by electronic means (e- mail ) to the e-mail address provided by you.
Thus, we provide you with the opportunity to stop using some or all of the products and services and/or to exercise your rights, some of which are expressly stated above. In addition, EVROKOMPAS LTD will take all possible measures to notify in case of changes regarding the protection of personal data by placing notices in the offices and on the website of EVROKOMPAS LTD –
This Privacy Policy has been adopted by EVROKOMPAS LTD and has been in effect since 01.11.2022